White Collar Criminal Defense


Our firm represents individuals and companies being investigated or prosecuted for alleged violations of federal and state laws and regulations. 

Our experience includes investigating and defending allegations of wrongdoing in the areas of health care, taxation, government contracting and procurement, public corruption, the environment, banking, securities, digital and cryptocurrency, computer crimes, bankruptcy, antitrust, export laws and foreign trade practices, as well as educational and grant activities. 


Our lawyers have extensive experience in the white-collar crime field. Our attorneys include three former federal prosecutors, and all our attorneys are former federal judicial law clerks.  Our clients benefit from our decades of experience with how prosecutors and regulators investigate and charge alleged wrongdoing, as well as our ability to assist clients to assess whether they have a problem and, if so, their options for addressing that problem. We have assisted numerous clients through lengthy criminal investigations and participated in countless federal judicial proceedings. Where necessary, our lawyers have tried cases to protect our clients’ interests. Most of our work, however, involves working to keep our clients out of court whenever possible. We prefer to measure our success by how little attention our clients get rather than how much. Our firm is proud to be recognized as a regional Tier 1 Best Law Firm for White Collar Criminal Defense.


Our White Collar Criminal Defense Team

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